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Painting Foliage

Let’s dive into adding some lush greenery to your project!
First, open the foliage tool, and add some of the pre-existing foliage meshes from the Alien Physics World.
If you don’t know how to do this, please view this following video by Royal Skies:

Foliage Painting Tutorial

Required Collision Settings #

In order to work with our physics system, foliages require the following collision settings:  

Collision Enabled must be set to either “Query Only”,
or  “Query and physics”.

Physics Only will not work with our system.

Your foliage MUST have the “Visibility” Collision Response checked in order to function.

The “BlockedBullet” Collision Response determines what projectiles do when they collide with your foliage.
Block = Hit
Overlap = Hit but travel through
Ignore = Do not collide

Set your “Camera” collision to “Ignore” if you do not want your foliage affecting your third-person camera. This is useful for grass-type foliages.

Examples #

Solid Plants #

If the plant is large, like SM_AlienPlant, you may want it to block your player pawn as a fallback in case the physics system does not activate (or is disabled). You can easily do this by setting the collision preset to “Block All”.

Grass-Type Plants #

For weaker grass-type foliages, such as SM_Reed, you may want to set the object response collision to “Overlap” or “ignore”, so that the player can walk through them in case the physics system is disabled in-game.

Additionally, you may also want the camera movement to not be affected by these foliages. In this case, set the “Camera” setting to “ignore”.

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